Throughout Incarnate Word’s history, the Spirit and love of God has been visible as we have lived our mission in full harmony with the teachings and traditions of our Catholic faith. For over 40 years we have come together in our church to participate in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, to receive God’s mercy in Reconciliation, and to witness and pray for our loved ones at their baptisms, weddings, and funerals. We gather in the real presence of our Lord, reserved in the tabernacle. In these moments, our lives are united to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus and to his communion of saints. In our worship and in the tabernacle, God is in our midst. In short, the church building is holy ground.
The goal of Building on Faith is to help broaden the imagination, understanding, and vision of what our church space is and provide an opportunity for each of us to assess our worship space for the next generations.
This past November we hosted two Building on Faith Liturgical Design Workshop and Listening Sessions. Multiple parishioners gathered to hear a presentation on Liturgical Design and participated question and answer sessions to better understand the needs of the parish space. Over the past couple of months, the feedback has been collected and consolidated into a report linked below. We invite you to review these preliminary findings. Additional opportunities to share feedback on these findings and the needs of the parish will be communicated soon.